According to the Minhag of Chabad we do not say Akdomos.

Musaf of Sholosh Regolim. Note the special insertions describing the Shavuos Korbonos. Birkas Koha- nim is performed.

It is customary to eat dairy foods on the first day of Shavuos. However, we are also obligated to eat meat on Shabbos and Yom Tov. Therefore, one should take caution to rinse the mouth out and wait approximately one hour (six hours after "hard cheese") between the dairy foods and any meat meals which follow

Second Day

Second Night of Shavuos Monday Evening

Candlelighting is not before 8:38 p.m. from a pre-existing flame. The following two Brachos are recited: 1) L'Hadlik Ner Shel Yom Tov; and 2) Shehechiyonu.

Maariv L'Sholosh Regolim (begin- ning with Shir Hamaalos).

Kiddush L'Sholosh Regolim and Shehechiyonu.

Second Day of Shavuos Tuesday, Sivan 7, May 29

Davening is the same as the first day. According to the Minhag of Chabad the book of Ruth is not read publicly.

Kriyas Hatorah "Vay'hi Binsoa" and "Hashem, Hashem (once)" are recited. Two Sifrei Torah are taken out. In the first we read "Kol Hab'chor" in Parshas Re'eh. Maftir is the same as for the first day.

Yizkor is recited after Kriyas Hatorah

Musaf of Sholosh Regolim. Be sure to include the special insertions describing the Shavuos Korbonos. Birkas Kohanim is performed.

Motzei Yom Tov 8:39 p.m. Havdolo is the same as every Motzei Yom Tov: Hiney Kel Yeshuosy, Borei P'ri Hagofen, and the Brocho of Hamavdil (B'somim and candle are not used).

Did You Know...

Shavuos means not only "weeks" but also "oaths." The name indicates that, on the day of the giving of the Torah, G-d and Israel exchanged oaths to remain faithful to each other forever. The true sanctification and holiness of the Jews began at Mattan Torah. Therefore, any "shchitah" done prior to Shavuos was not "kosher" for them afterwards. This holds true even according to those opinions which maintain that the Jews kept the laws of kashrus before Mattan Torah. Being that the Torah was given on Shabbos, they were not permitted to "schecht" that day. Hence, the only thing available for them to eat was dairy. This is one reason we eat dairy on Shavuos. Another reason we eat dairy on Shavuos is because the word "cholov" (milk) has the numerical value of forty. This corresponds to the forty days which Moshe Rabeinu spent on Har Sinai to receive the Torah. Best Wishes for a Happy Shavuos







Chabad of Northern Beverly Hills will be open the entire night of Sha- vuos for classes and learning. Refreshments will be served. There will be an early morning Minyan at 5:15 a.m. in addition to the regular 9:30 a.m. Minyan.



All men and women are welcome to attend.